
"My mind is all that I have to guide me."

- Ayn Rand

Articles in Journals

22. "Negative frequencies and negative norms in analogue Hawking radiation systems"

Raul Aguero-Santacruz, David Bermudez

Comptes Rendus. Physique 25 177 (2024)

doi: 10.5802/crphys.177 [Open access]

arXiv:2311.04481 [gr-qc]

21. "Tunable Mie resonance in the bar- and cube-like gadolinium niobate: theory and experiment"

Anastasiya Sedova, David Bermudez, Miriam M. Tellez-Cruz, Ciro Falcony

Nanotechnology 35 025705 (2024)

doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/ad0244 [Open access]

20. "Negative frequencies in pulse propagation equations and the double analytic signal"

Raul Aguero-Santacruz, David Bermudez

New Journal of Physics 25 103045 (2023)

doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/ad0322 [Open access]

19. "Effective Michelson interference observed in fiber-optical analogue of Hawking radiation"

Rodrigo Felipe-Elizarraras, Hector Cruz-Ramirez, Karina Garay-Palmett, Alfred U'Ren, David Bermudez

Optics Express 30 8063 (2022)

doi:10.1364/oe.447201 [Open access]

18. "Optical analogue of the Schwarzschild-Planck metric"

Alhan Moreno-Ruiz, David Bermudez

Classical and Quantum Gravity 39 145001 (2022)

doi:10.1088/1361-6382/ac7506 arXiv:2112.00194 [gr-qc]

17. "Frequency and polarization emission properties of a photon-pair source based on a photonic crystal fiber"

Daniel De La Torre-Robles, Francisco Dominguez-Serna, Gisell L. Osorio, Alfred B. U'Ren, David Bermudez, Karina Garay-Palmett

Scientific Reports 11 18092 (2021)

doi:10.1038/s41598-021-97563-2 [Open access]

16. "Instabilities in an optical black-hole laser"

Juan D Rincon-Estrada, David Bermudez

Annalen der Physik 533 2000239 (2020)

doi:10.1002/andp.202000239 arXiv:2002.08835 [gr-qc]

15. "Hawking temperature in dispersive media: Analytics and numerics"

Alhan Moreno-Ruiz, David Bermudez

Annals of Physics 420 168268 (2020)

doi:10.1016/j.aop.2020.168268 arXiv:1908.02368 [gr-qc]

14. "Boosting few-cycle soliton self-frequency shift using negative prechirp"

Yuval Rosenberg, Jonathan Drori, David Bermudez, Ulf Leonhardt

Optics Express 28 3107-3115 (2020)

doi:10.1364/oe.383014 [Open Access]

13. "Observation of stimulated Hawking radiation in an optical analogue"

Jonathan Drori, Yuval Rosenberg, David Bermudez, Yaron Silberberg, Ulf Leonhardt

Physical Review Letters 122 010404 (2019)

doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.010404 arXiv:1808.09244 [gr-qc]

12. "Resonant Hawking radiation as an instability"

David Bermudez, Ulf Leonhardt

Classical and Quantum Gravity 36 024001 (2019)

doi:10.1088/1361-6382/aaf435 arXiv:1808.02210 [gr-qc]

11. "The theory of optical black hole lasers"

José L. Gaona-Reves, David Bermudez

Annals of Physics 380 41-58 (2017)

doi:10.1016/j.aop.2017.03.005 arXiv:1701.05655 [gr-qc]

10. "Hawking spectrum for a fiber-optical analog of the event horizon"

David Bermudez, Ulf Leonhardt

Physics Review A 93 053820 (2016)

doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.93.053820 arXiv:1601.06816 [gr-qc]

9. "Solutions to the Painlevé V equation through supersymmetric quantum mechanics"

David Bermudez, David J. Fernández C., Javier Negro

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 335203 (2016)

doi:10.1088/1751-8113/49/33/335203 arXiv:1512.01936 [math-ph]

8. "Wronskian differential formula for k-confluent SUSY QM"

David Bermudez

Annals of Physics 364 35-52 (2016)

doi:10.1016/j.aop.2015.10.015 arXiv:1506.01086 [math-ph]

7. "Painlevé IV coherent states"

David Bermudez, Alonso Contreras-Astorga, David J. Fernández C.

Annals of Physics 350 615-634 (2014)

doi:10.1016/j.aop.2014.07.025 arXiv:1402.5926 [math-ph]

6. "Factorization method and new potentials from the inverted oscillator"

David Bermudez, David I. Fernández C.

Annals of Physics 333 290-306 (2013)

doi:10.1016/j.aop.2013.02.015 arXiv:1206.4519 [quant-ph]

5. "Complex SUSY Transformations and the Painlevé IV Equation"

David Bermudez

SIGMA 8 069 (2012)

doi:10.3842/SIGMA.2012.069 arXiv:1208.1782 [math-ph]

4. "Wronskian differential formula for the confluent supersymmetric quantum mechanics"

David Bermudez, David J. Fernández C., Nicolás Fernández-García

Physics Letters A 376 692-696 (2012)

doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2011.12.020 arXiv:1109.0079 [quant-ph]

3. "Non-hermitian Hamiltonians and Painlevé IV equation with real parameters"

David Bermudez, David J. Fernández C.

Physics Letters A 375 2974-2978 (2011)

doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2011.06.042 arXiv:1104.3599 [math-ph]

2. "Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and Painlevé IV equation"

David Bermudez, David J. Fernández C.

SIGMA 7 025 (2011)

doi:10.3842/SIGMA.2011.025 arXiv:1012.0290 [math-ph]

1. "Light-emitting diode spherical packages: an equation for the light transmission efficiency"

Ivan Moreno, David Bermudez, Maximino Avendaño-Alejo

Applied Optics 49 12-20 (2010)

doi:10.1364/AO.49.000012 arXiv:1110.0537 [physics.optics]

"Eigenvalue determination for mixed quantum states using overlap statistics"

Lázaro Alonso, David Bermudez, Thomas Gorin

arXiv: 1808.00019 [quant-ph]

"Physics is becoming too difficult for the physicists."

- David Hilbert

Review Articles

2. "Hawking radiation in optics and beyond"

Raul Aguero-Santacruz, David Bermudez

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378 20190223 (2020)

doi:10.1098/rsta.2019.0223 arXiv:2002.07907 [gr-qc]

1. "Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and Painlevé equations"

David Bermudez, David J. Fernández C.

AIP Conference Proceedings 1575 50-88 (2014)

doi:10.1063/1.4861699 arXiv:1311.0647 [math-ph]

"If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet."

- Niels Bohr

Articles in Books

11. "Scattering states of the inverted oscillator and its supersymmetric partners"

David Bermudez

Geometric Methods in Physics XXXIX. Trends in Mathematics, Springer 31-39 (2023)


10. "Generation of Painlevé V transcendents"

David Bermudez, David J. Fernandez C., Javier Negro

Geometric Methods in Physics XXXVII. Trends in Mathematics, Springer 24-33 (2019)


9. "Dialogues about geometry and light"

David Bermudez, Jonathan Drori, Ulf Leonhardt

Frontiers in Modern Optics 190 1-30 (2016)

doi:10.3254/978-1-61499-647-7-1 arXiv:1506.05086 [physics.optics]

8. "Propagation of ultra-short higher-order solitons in a photonic crystal fiber"

David Bermudez

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 698 012017 (2016)

doi:10.1088/1742-6596/698/1/012017 [Open access]

7. "A connection between supersymmetric quantum mechanics and Painlevé V equation"

David Bermudez and David J. Fernández C.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 624 012012 (2015)

doi:10.1088/1742-6596/624/1/012012 [Open access]

6. "Painlevé IV Hamiltonian systems and coherent states"

David Bermudez, Alonso Contreras-Astorga and David J. Fernández C.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 597 012017 (2014)

doi:10.1088/1742-6596/597/1/012017 [Open access]

5. "Linearized coherent states for Hamiltonian systems with two equidistant ladder spectra"

David Bermudez, Alonso Contreras-Astorga, and David J. Fernández C.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 512 012018 (2014)

doi:10.1088/1742-6596/512/1/012018 [Open access]

4. "Hamiltonians with two-ladder spectra and solutions to the Painlevé IV equation"

David Bermudez and David I. Fernandez C.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 512 012017 (2014)

doi:10.1088/1742-6596/512/1/012017 [Open access]

3. "Solution hierarchies for the Painlevé IV equation"

David Bermudez and David J. Fernández C.

Geometric Methods in Physics. Trends in Mathematics, Springer 199-209 (2013)

doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-0448-6_16 arXiv:1111.6987 [math-ph]

2. "Complex solutions to Painlevé IV equation through supersymmetric quantum mechanics"

David Bermudez and David J. Fernández C.

AIP Conference Proceedings 1420 47-51 (2012)

doi:10.1063/1.3678612 arXiv:1110.0555 [quant-ph]

1. "Simple function for intensity distribution from LEDs"

Ivan Moreno, Chang-Yu Tsai, David Bermudez and Ching-Cherng Sun

Proceedings SPIE 6670 66700H-66700H7 (2007)


"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

- Daniel Boorstin

Popular Science

4. "Terremoto el 19 de septiembre: sorprendente sí, insólito no" (in Spanish)

David Bermudez, W. Luis Mochan

La Union de Morelos [Read here], Invdes [Read here], Academia de Ciencias de Morelos [Read here] 26/09/2022 (2022)

3. "Black holes in the optics laboratory" (in Spanish)

David Bermudez

Avance y Perspectiva [Read here], Invdes [Read here] 20/01/2019 (2019)

2. "Gravitational analogues in optics" (in Spanish)

David Bermudez

Boletín de la Sociedad Mexicana de Física 31 3 139-144 (2017) [Read here]

1. "Colour theory digs up myths" (in Spanish)

David Bermudez

Avance y Perspectiva 2 (2011) [Read here]

"Protons give an atom its identity, electrons its personality."

- Bill Bryson

Written Theses

3. "Polynomial Heisenberg algebras and Painlevé equations"

David Bermudez

Advisor: Prof. David J. Fernández C.

PhD Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (2013) arXiv:1512.03103 [math-ph]

2. "Supersymmetry and Painlevé IV equation" (in Spanish)

David Bermudez

Advisor: Prof. David J. Fernández C.

MSc Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (2010) [Read here]

1. "Light transmission efficiency for spherical light-emitting diodes" (in Spanish)

David Bermudez

Advisor: Prof. Iván Moreno

BSc Thesis. Faculty of Physics, University of Zacatecas (2008) [Read here]

"Illusions can be pleasant, but the rewards of truth are enormously better."

- Sean Carroll

Supervised PhD Theses

5. "Experiments with second- and third-order nonlinear materials"

Guillermo Erasmo Velázquez Acosta

PhD Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (in progress)

4. "Analogue gravity in photonic fluids of light"

Eduardo Márquez Raya

PhD Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (in progress)

3. "Negative frequencies and the origin of the analogue Hawking radiation in optics"

Raúl Agüero Santacruz

PhD Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (29/May/2024)

2. "Optical analogue of Hawking radiation: Classical and quantum experiments" (in Spanish)

Rodrigo Felipe Elizarrarás

PhD Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (26/Feb/2024)

1. "Gravity in analogue systems" (in Spanish)

Alhan Moreno Ruiz

PhD Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (20/Jul/2023) [Read here] [Read here]

"The important thing isn't can you read music, it's can you hear it. Can you hear the music, Robert?"

- Niels Bohr in the film Oppenheimer (2023)

Supervised MSc Theses

8. "On the nature of analogue horizons in dispersive media"

Miguel Ángel Cortés Ortiz

MSc Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (in progress)

7. "Polarisation effects in the optical analogue of Hawking radiation"

Guillermo Erasmo Velázquez Acosta

MSc Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (4/Jun/2024)

6. "Eigenestates in a temporal waveguide" (in Spanish)

Eduardo Márquez Raya

MSc Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (6/Dec/2022) [Read here]

5. "Analogue Hawking radiation with symplectic circuits" (in Spanish)

César Lara Cruz

MSc Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (6/Dec/2022) [Read here]

4. "On the origin of the optical analogue of Hawking radiation"

Raúl Agüero Santacruz

MSc Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (29/Aug/2019) [Read here]

3. "Instabilities in acoustic and optical systems" (in Spanish)

Juan David Rincón Estrada

MSc Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (23/Aug/2019) [Read here]

2. "Hawking spectrum in dispersive media" (in Spanish)

Alhan Moreno Ruiz

MSc Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (22/Nov/2018) [Read here]

1. "Theoretical description of the black hole laser"

José Luis Gaona Reyes

MSc Thesis. Department of Physics, Cinvestav (4/Nov/2016) [Read here]