Cátedra Bogdan Mielnik
Quantum field theory in curved spacetimes:
A modern perspective
Prof. Iván Agulló
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Louisiana State University, USA
Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetimes is an extension of standard quantum field theory which allows quantum fields to interact with classical gravity, generally taken to be described by general relativity. This is, thus, a paradigm “in-between” standard quantum field theory and full quantum gravity, from which one can learn valuable lessons about the role of general relativistic gravity in quantum physics. Indeed, it has already had enormous success in the description of the quantum evaporation of black holes a la Hawking, and of the early universe where cosmological perturbations are now universally described by quantum fields.
The goal of this short course is to provide a pedagogical introduction to this theoretical framework and some of its main predictions. The presentation will differ from traditional approaches in that it will rest on techniques from Gaussian quantum information. This novel perspective brings to the forefront genuine quantum aspects that are more difficult to describe using traditional tools, such as the generation of quantum entanglement in the process of black hole evaporation and the early universe.
The course will be largely self-contained. Familiarity with quantum mechanics, at the level of the book by Sakurai, will be assumed. But previous knowledge of quantum field theory and general relativity, although helpful, will not be essential.
Plan of the course
Time-dependent oscillators and Gaussian quantum information (3 hours)
Quantum field theory in curved spacetimes: general formulation (2 hours)
The Unruh effect (2 hours)
The Hawking effect (3 hours)
Información del curso
Las Cátedras Bogdan Mielnik se impartirán en inglés como parte del entrenamiento para nuestro estudiantes, aunque es posible hacer preguntas en español.
El curso tendrá lugar del lunes 14 al viernes 18 de agosto de 10 a 12h en el Auditorio "José Ádem" del Cinvestav Zacatenco. También será posible asistir en formato virtual en la plataforma Microsoft Teams, las sesiones no serán grabadas.
Para acceder al curso y al Cinvestav, les pedimos que llenen el formulario que está al final de esta página o dando clic aquí. La inscripción no tiene costo.
Se enviará una constancia de participación a quienes asistan los cinco días del curso y así lo hayan solicitado en el formulario de inscripción.
Cualquier duda o comentario pueden escribir a david.bermudez@cinvestav.mx.